According to the definition of the European Commission, Artificial Intelligence (AI) “refers to systems that exhibit intelligent behavior, analyzing their environment and taking actions – with a certain degree of autonomy – to achieve specific objectives. AI-based systems can be purely software, acting in the virtual world (e.g. voice assistants, image analysis software, search engines, speech and facial recognition systems) or AI can be embedded in hardware devices (for example advanced robots, self-driving cars, drones or Internet of Things applications) “.
Artificial Intelligence opens the doors to a new era of health and care services to address the challenges of the present and the future, providing added value to the knowledge and professionalism of doctors, without ever replacing them.
The application of Artificial Intelligence, in the clinical setting and in precision medicine, allows the automation of certain activities and represents an extraordinary support for doctors’ decisions, with enormous benefits in the implementation of prevention campaigns. Another area is that of diagnostic imaging, where the advantages of Artificial Intelligence are indisputable. Radiologists, supported by our technologies, can devote more time to the interpretation of complex pathologies.
All this can favor predictive, targeted and personalized health prevention policies, and a better and more accurate analysis of clinical data on patients who actually need personalized specialized care for serious diseases, helping to keep healthy people in good health, thanks to large-scale prevention programs.