AIBIBANK is the Bio-Banking for Artificial Intelligence in Oncology project, promoted by the lead partner Health Triage, as part of the financing of the Piedmont Region Programma Operativo Regionale FESR 2014/2020, Azione I.1b.22 Bando Pi.Te.F. – Piattaforma tecnologica di “Filiera”.

Web site: http://www.aibibank.org/


It is an experimental research and development project that aims to create a biobank of biological samples and biomedical imaging, exploiting the potential of Deep Learning and advanced computer science applied to large amounts of data (Big Data). This is a new generation of biobank consisting of a technological infrastructure that uses Artificial Intelligence systems to collect and process huge amounts of structured and unstructured data quickly and simultaneously. This ecosystem allows the development of automatic identification and deep learning techniques, thanks to clinical information and data from diagnostic imaging, to offer scientific and technological contributions to research of great excellence. The AIBIBANK project involves the design and construction of a technological and regulatory infrastructure, called Data Lake in IT jargon, capable of collecting and organizing medical images and clinical data in a constant and perpetual manner. The data can be used for the development of artificial intelligence applications. The Data Lake will be able to simplify and speed up development processes, optimizing costs and accelerating time-to-market, compared to previous generations of technology. Additionally, it will be able to constantly learn from each incremental case to improve accuracy with continuous learning machine learning (ML) methods.